Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Saga of Erik the Viking - How Erik and Thangbrand were Tested

Hello again! 

Here's the next chapter of The Saga of Erik the Viking.

The other chapters I've posted have been:

A Hard Question:

Wolf Mountain:

The Three Wonderful Gifts:

This chapter is read by my sister, Cathy, who recorded the chapter at her house and emailed it to me (don't worry - we didn't break any social distancing rules). I hope you enjoy it! I've put the words on this video, so you can read along with her.

If you have any questions about the story or any of the vocabulary used, leave me a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can. If you enjoy these chapters, please leave a thank you comment for the people who have given up their free time to record them for you. 

The next chapter is being recorded by my friend Kath. I'll post it soon! 

Happy-almost-New Year!

Ms Tupman

The Saga of Erik the Viking - A Hard Question

Hi Year 5! 

Here's the next chapter of The Saga of Erik the Viking (the previous chapter was 'Wolf Mountain', which I posted on 22nd December and the chapter before that was 'The Three Wonderful Gifts')

This chapter is read by my best friend, Lucy, who recorded the chapter at her house and emailed it to me (don't worry - we didn't break any social distancing rules). I hope you enjoy it! I've put the words on this video, so you can read along with her. I think there's one point where the video and the words don't quite match up for a few lines... 

If you have any questions about the story or any of the vocabulary used, leave me a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can. If you enjoy these chapters, please leave a thank you comment for the people who have given up their free time to record them for you. 

The next chapter will be read by my sister, Cathy! I'll post it later today. 

Hope you're staying warm! I haven't seen any snow yet, but I'm hoping to see some soon.

Ms Tupman

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Saga of Erik the Viking - Wolf Mountain

 Hello Year 5!

Here's the next chapter of The Saga of Erik the Viking (the previous chapter was 'The Three Wonderful Gifts'), which I posted on Friday. 

I hope you enjoy it. See if you can spot the point at which I get 'sun' and 'snow' muddled up! I've put the words on this video, so you can read along with me. 

I'll post the next chapter soon, but it won't be me reading it - some of my friends and family will be reading the majority of the rest of the book to you! 

Hope you're having a nice time relaxing,

Ms Tupman

Friday, December 18, 2020

The Saga of Erik the Viking - The Three Wonderful Gifts

 Hi Year 5!

I hope you're enjoying the start of your holidays. Here's the next chapter of our class text! It's called The Three Wonderful Gifts. I'll post a new chapter soon. 

(There are a few odd background noises during the story - I recorded this at school, so maybe you can work out what they are!)

Enjoy this chapter!

Ms Tupman

Computing: Vector drawing

Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...