Saturday, February 27, 2021

Year 5 and 6 Literacy Home Learning

In literacy, we've been using 'The Journey' by Francesca Sanna to inspire our writing. After reading the first page, and seeing a happy memory of the family in the story, we used Google Jamboard to design and write postcards of a happy memory from our own experiences. 

This is the memory of the time I spent at a Dubai beach in 2019 with my siblings, I___, S____ and A___. It had been a extremely sunny day and we had just arrived at the hotel yesterday when we heard that tomorrow there was a bus taking a to a local beach for free. Once we heard that my sister, I___, decided to go (much to the dismay of us) whilst my brother stayed in with my mum since he had gone out yesterday. It was a bump ride and once we got there our feet were burning from the hot sand. As a souvenir, my Sister bought my brother a shovel and spade to play with whilst I made sandcastles. We had only been their for 40 minutes before we decided we had to go, the heat was getting to us. Our water had gone warm and was nearly finished and the bus wasn’t going to come for another 3 hours. So we picked up our stripy, blue beach towel and put it into our bag. With the little money we had left, we ordered a Uber and as soon as we got home, collapsed on the bed. We ordered some food and with that the day was over but the memory would linger in my mind for years after that.

This is my memory. When i went london eye there was alot of fun and people in the line.But went for fun when i was waiting in the line i went ice scateing then me and my dad went to play in this park nexst to london eye i was there because 
my sister was going turkey so i went london.The nexst night i went to london brige then after that we had to go home.

Dear Mum and Dad,
Thank you for taking me to London. I will never forget the time when we went on the London eye. I also remember another time we went to a London park and saw the beautiful and colourful London eye from where we were. We also went to a theme park on eid.                       I went on a big ride I think 20 times and it was so much fun. We went on trains, buses and we even went on walks. I will never forget this memory.
love S____

this is my memory of when i went to somaliland with my family.We went to my grandmothers houe and visited our families.We visited the quiet countryside and saw the beautiful yellow sunset.When our holiday was over we went on a plane to ethiopia. then stayed in a hotel fora few hours since we were going to board our plane in the middle of the night 

This is the memory of me  going to holand so we went to holand but sadly my dad did not go because he had to go work.But the rest of my family did go.The best part was when i went on a plane on my birthday.We went their because our unkle was getting married and then the next day was the last day untill we went to the place where my uncle will get married.So on that day we play some games then if i skim throught it to night time and then at night like 11o clock on the wedding day i put on my beautiful pink glittery dress that had flowers on it!!!!     :D

This is my memrory of the day i went to  holland, amsterdam with my brother and my dad, 2 summers agos.We stayed with my auntie and uncle, although my auntie lives in london. We went 2 water parks and 1 theme park.We did this because we desvered a time-by-time hard break, and we went down the gigantic, blue and slipry slide. 

Eid is a festival that anyone can take part of it my memory is when i went to pray salah and playing with familys and freinds you can take part every year theres eid  at different times people  have fun  my memory is when we all went jump ,jump is a place were anyone can play games with each other and have fun we raided the slides and we had some much fun thanks thanks to our parents.

This is my memory when i travelled to Manchester last year with my family.We had to travel on a bus and it took 5 hours.We stayed with my cousins that are much older than me because the ones that are my age is in somalia.A few days after it snowed about 8:00 in the night we went to a delicious, fantastic resuraunt.When we were walking we saw  lights lit up around the streets.The next day we went to a funfair with my other cousins which are younger than me except for one.

This is my memorie when i went to pakistan. When me and my family first arrived my moms family picked us up. After that we went to a nice resturant and had lost of food. Then, we decided to go to the zoo, it was a really good time when we looked at the white tiger. last thing we did that day was having strewberry icream together.

This is my memory of the time I went to Barry Island 2 summers ago. Once I got to Barry Island I had to wait for my cousins to arrive. Once we saw each other we walked towards each other and after that we had a scrumptious, lovely picnic which was on a carpet. After that,we had loads of fun splashing the rushing quick water at each other. Then my brother was complaining about his shirt because he did not have a spare shirt to wear but he only had shorts.

Dear grandma
I remember you visisted us in Hargeisa is was realy memrable and remember when that goat started chasing me then i fell and scraped my knee? 
regards A_____

This is my memory when i traveled to Belgium, with my family two years ago. we stayed with our auntie in an apartment. we went to sevral other countries to explore. We left most of our stuff at home so there wouldnt be much struggle. We traveled in a car, to the begning of the english channel.Then, we went on a boat. Then we drived for a few hours. The inside of the boat was big ansthe sea was vast , blue and filled with aqua life. We advanced to a roller coaster. I didnt feel like going on so, my older sister and my uncle went on. the roller coaster had a fire show at the edges . it was a briliant veiw. i will always remember my epic adventure at belgium.

this is my memory when i went to Dubai we were at the airpor then they  went i was not paying attion then i looked back then i got scared but 5 seconds later my dad came back then we went then i saw the butifull tall bushcalifa .

this is me memory its about turky .It has lots of citys  like ankara it has lots of cats  wich i like i stayed in a home i weknt to tis park wick i love and its fun  i played with the cats and the baby one i evan had one in my home i met one with a cute cuddaly baby in it

This is my memmory of when i had my summer last year.I got to go to the park most of the time with my clostest friend and i will alwas use my blue and black shiny bike and used it everywhere.I got to go to the shops with my mum to buy clothes and had fun.Snce the sun was shinig brigt ,i got to have cocolate brown ice was the best .It was nice to go swiming since it was boiling hot and the water was refresing.

This is my memory when me and my family left bristol for malaysia we had a great time on the plane as i  played games throught the night one of my favourite memories are when we were welcomed at are first step off the plane in 2 days we huged are uncles and made are way towards the ice cream shop after having our ice creams we went to our house for 1 month after 1 month in living in kuala lumpur we left for depurechayer and lived there for a month the schools were okay but the best memory was when  i went to a restraunt called alamanda which gave you all the foods you wanted.

This is my fun memory of the time I travelled to Kuala Lumpur and Lankawi in Malaysia with my family  5 years ago . Me and my family first stayed at Lankawi in a big , busy and famous  resort which was  on the beach  . We had first travelled to the sky bridge . It was connecting two mountains first we used the tiny , black and fun cable car  to the top and walked on the clear , scary and tall glass sky bridge . The next day we travelled to Kuala Lumpur and stayed at a apartment and that evening we visited the Twin Towers that looked fabulous during the night . It was lighten by colourful lights , it was beautiful . Then we went to a temple with a statue that was made of pure gold in the mountains . The next day we went to a large mall and went shopping . Malaysia was the best trip I have ever been to .

my favourie memorys  
was when i went to sweden and london and i went to a theme park with my family we stayed in a tiny apartment with my sister  and my brother and i wil never forget the the theme park becaue it was so fun.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Animal Bread Faces


In Year 5 literacy we have been learning about instructions. We wrote our own instructions for creating animal faces with bread! 

Can you guess the different animals we have made? Which is your favourite?

Year 5 Bake Off!!

 The Year 5 children in school and some of the children learning at home competed in a 'bake off'. Well done to all of those who took part. All the cakes looked delicious, we were sad we couldn't taste all the ones baked at home. 

Here are some pictures from the cakes we baked in school.

Computing: Vector drawing

Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...