Friday, October 23, 2020

Google Classroom

Happy Holidays, Year 5!

Starting from today, we will be setting all homework through Google Classroom. Please keep your log-ins somewhere safe. 

If you need to self-isolate, if our class has to temporarily stay at home, or if the whole school has to go into a lockdown, you will be able to access online learning through Google Classroom. 

If you have difficulties accessing the internet or completing online learning, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can provide you with alternative learning. 

Over half-term, please log-in to our Year 5 classroom and answer the question that I have asked. 

There is a very helpful video here: about how to log-in and use Google Classroom. 

You can find our classroom here: We are sending home your log-in details with you today. If you lose these, then let your teacher know as soon as possible.

Have a great holiday and see you in November!

Ms Tupman


  1. Ms Tupman I am not able to access the Google account

    1. Hi Sarrah, thanks for letting me know - don't worry, we can have a look at your username and password on Tuesday.

  2. Hi miss tupman is hamsa am on Samsung Galaxy s8 is my moms phone

    1. Thank you Hamsa - have you been able to log into Google Classroom (not this blog)?

  3. And its pretty bad I had to refresh my page till it worked

  4. Hi Miss tupman it hafsa I can't go in classroom

    1. Hi Hafsa, no problem - we'll have a look at logging in when you're back at school.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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