Monday, May 18, 2020

Spelling, reading and grammar - w/c 18th May 2020

This week there will be tasks set through Active Learn.

I have grouped everyone into a mild, spicy or hot group and have set different tasks for you to do. I can see how you are getting on and how often you are logging in. When I call you today/tomorrow, I will be checking to see how you are getting on.

If you have not yet received your login, I will be calling today to make sure that you have it.

Topic Home Learning - w/c 18th May 2020


Who was Siddhartha Gautama? 

What is the sacred text of Buddhism?


How did Henry VIII initiate the Reformation?

Was Elizabeth I ‘weak and feeble’?

To plan and write an essay about medieval monarchs

To plan and write an essay about medieval monarchs

Literacy Home Learning - w/c 18th May 2020

This week there will be 5 literacy lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Mild Challenges - Genre Focus: Setting Description

Spicy Challenges - Genre Focus: Persuasive Letter

French Home Learning - w/c 18th May 2020

🇫🇷 🐌 🐞 🕷 🇫🇷 French at Home with Madame Cartlidge 🇫🇷 🐌 🐞 🕷 🇫🇷

This week, can you draw a picture of as many insects as you can think of and then label it in French using this dictionary:

Reading Fluency - w/c 18th May 2020

Hi Y5/6 Here is this week's reading fluency lesson for you on Youtube
Thanks Miss Davies

Maths Home Learning - w/c 18th May 2020

This week there will be 5 maths lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the White Rose Home Learning site. There you will be given a video for each lesson. Watch the video and then tackle the worksheets below.

Focus this week: Fractions

Mild Challenges -

Lesson 1 - Unit and non-unit fractions

Lesson 2 - Making the whole

Lesson 3 - Tenths

Lesson 4 - Counting in tenths

Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge (follow the link on the website)

Spicy Challenges -

Lesson 1 - Add and subtract fractions

Lesson 2 - Add fractions

Lesson 3 - Add mixed numbers

Lesson 4 - Subtract mixed numbers

Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge (follow the link on the website)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Year 5 Email Account

Hi there everyone,

Each year group now has an email account which has been set up. This is managed by me and I will check it each day. This is for you to:

- Share pictures of work you have completed
- Ask any questions that you have related to the learning that I have set

The email address is:

I would like you each to email me information about 1 piece of work that you have completed and are proud of.

Miss Matthews

Monday, May 11, 2020

Reading Fluency - w/c 11th May 2020

Hi Y5/6 Here is this week's reading fluency lesson for you on Youtube
Thanks Miss Davies

French Home Learning - w/c 11th May 2020

🇫🇷 🇫🇷  Madame Cartlidge’s French at Home 🇫🇷 🇫🇷

This week, I am sure you will love this video about football in France!

There are some challenges for you, including counting how many keepy-uppies you can do. Have a go when you are out for your daily exercise and try counting them in French - let me know how many you can do!

Topic Home Learning - w/c 11th May 2020

This weeks topic learning gives you lots to choose from:

Computing - Learn about programming and debugging.

Science - Learn how plants reproduce.

History - Who was responsible for the death of Thomas Becket?

History - Who was the worse king: Richard I or John?

History - In what ways was Edward I a ‘great and terrible king’?

Spelling, reading and grammar - w/c 11th May 2020

This week there will be tasks set through Active Learn.

I have grouped everyone into a mild, spicy or hot group and have set different tasks for you to do. I can see how you are getting on and how often you are logging in. When I call you today/tomorrow, I will be checking to see how you are getting on.

If you have not yet received your login, I will be calling today to make sure that you have it.

Literacy Home Learning - w/c 11th May 2020

This week there will be 5 literacy lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Mild Challenges - Genre Focus: Character Description

Spicy Challenges - Genre Focus: Diary

Lesson 1 - LO: Reading Comprehension -Inference

Lesson 2 - LO: Reading Comprehension -Fact Retrieval

Lesson 3 - LO:  Identifying the features of a text

Lesson 4 - LO: SPaG focus – Formality

Lesson 5 - LO: Write a diary entry

Maths Home Learning - w/c 11th May 2020

This week there will be 5 maths lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Focus this week: Converting Units of Measure

Spicy Challenges

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Spelling, reading and grammar - w/c 4th May 2020

Once you have read the previous post about how to login to Active Learn you can log on to access the tasks that I have set for you.

Read these instructions below:

Topic Home Learning - w/c 4th May 2020

This weeks topic learning gives you lots to choose from:

Geography - Learn about trade and economic activity including export and import, supply and demand

Music - Learn about duration, tempo and Beethoven.

Science - Learn about mixing and dissolving and separation.

Art - Learn about texture and how to create a frottage patchwork from rubbings of textured objects which you find around your home.

History - Learn about three men who were battling to become King of England in 1066.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Active Learn - How to Login - Spelling and Grammar

We have access to a great new online learning platform called ActiveLearn. I will be setting you spelling and grammar lessons through this site every week. I can check how often you have logged in and what activities you have completed.

I will give you your login details when I call this week. Below explains how to login:

The school code is: capr

Literacy Home Learning - w/c 4th May 2020

This week there will be 5 literacy lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Mild Challenges - Instructions

Lesson 1 - LO: Reading Comprehension – Fact Retrieval

Lesson 2 - LO: Reading Comprehension – Word Meaning

Lesson 3 - LO: Identifying and understanding the features of a text

Lesson 4 - LO: SPaG focus – Adverbs

Lesson 5 - LO: Write a set of instructions

Spicy Challenges - Character Description

Lesson 1 - LO: Reading Comprehension – Fact Retrieval

Lesson 2 - LO: Reading Comprehension – Word Meaning

Lesson 3 - LO: Identifying the features of a text

Lesson 4 - LO: SPaG focus – Relative Clause

Lesson 5 - LO: Write a character description

Maths Home Learning - w/c 4th May 2020

This week there will be 5 maths lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Focus this week:  Measurement

Mild Challenges

Lesson 1 - LO: Measures: Choosing appropriate measures

Lesson 2 - LO:  Measures: Converting between mm and cm

Lesson 3 - LO: Measures: Converting between cm and m

Lesson 4 - LO: Measures: Capacity and mass

Lesson 5 - LO: Measures: Solving measures problems

Spicy Challenges

Lesson 1 - LO: To convert between seconds, minutes and hours

Lesson 2 - LO: To solve problems involving converting between hours and minutes

Lesson 3 - LO: To convert between units of length

Lesson 4 - LO: To apply length conversions to problems

Lesson 5 - LO: To find the perimeter and convert units of measurements

Computing: Vector drawing

Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...