Wednesday, December 30, 2020

The Saga of Erik the Viking - How Erik and Thangbrand were Tested

Hello again! 

Here's the next chapter of The Saga of Erik the Viking.

The other chapters I've posted have been:

A Hard Question:

Wolf Mountain:

The Three Wonderful Gifts:

This chapter is read by my sister, Cathy, who recorded the chapter at her house and emailed it to me (don't worry - we didn't break any social distancing rules). I hope you enjoy it! I've put the words on this video, so you can read along with her.

If you have any questions about the story or any of the vocabulary used, leave me a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can. If you enjoy these chapters, please leave a thank you comment for the people who have given up their free time to record them for you. 

The next chapter is being recorded by my friend Kath. I'll post it soon! 

Happy-almost-New Year!

Ms Tupman

The Saga of Erik the Viking - A Hard Question

Hi Year 5! 

Here's the next chapter of The Saga of Erik the Viking (the previous chapter was 'Wolf Mountain', which I posted on 22nd December and the chapter before that was 'The Three Wonderful Gifts')

This chapter is read by my best friend, Lucy, who recorded the chapter at her house and emailed it to me (don't worry - we didn't break any social distancing rules). I hope you enjoy it! I've put the words on this video, so you can read along with her. I think there's one point where the video and the words don't quite match up for a few lines... 

If you have any questions about the story or any of the vocabulary used, leave me a comment and I'll reply as soon as I can. If you enjoy these chapters, please leave a thank you comment for the people who have given up their free time to record them for you. 

The next chapter will be read by my sister, Cathy! I'll post it later today. 

Hope you're staying warm! I haven't seen any snow yet, but I'm hoping to see some soon.

Ms Tupman

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Saga of Erik the Viking - Wolf Mountain

 Hello Year 5!

Here's the next chapter of The Saga of Erik the Viking (the previous chapter was 'The Three Wonderful Gifts'), which I posted on Friday. 

I hope you enjoy it. See if you can spot the point at which I get 'sun' and 'snow' muddled up! I've put the words on this video, so you can read along with me. 

I'll post the next chapter soon, but it won't be me reading it - some of my friends and family will be reading the majority of the rest of the book to you! 

Hope you're having a nice time relaxing,

Ms Tupman

Friday, December 18, 2020

The Saga of Erik the Viking - The Three Wonderful Gifts

 Hi Year 5!

I hope you're enjoying the start of your holidays. Here's the next chapter of our class text! It's called The Three Wonderful Gifts. I'll post a new chapter soon. 

(There are a few odd background noises during the story - I recorded this at school, so maybe you can work out what they are!)

Enjoy this chapter!

Ms Tupman

Friday, October 23, 2020

Google Classroom

Happy Holidays, Year 5!

Starting from today, we will be setting all homework through Google Classroom. Please keep your log-ins somewhere safe. 

If you need to self-isolate, if our class has to temporarily stay at home, or if the whole school has to go into a lockdown, you will be able to access online learning through Google Classroom. 

If you have difficulties accessing the internet or completing online learning, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can provide you with alternative learning. 

Over half-term, please log-in to our Year 5 classroom and answer the question that I have asked. 

There is a very helpful video here: about how to log-in and use Google Classroom. 

You can find our classroom here: We are sending home your log-in details with you today. If you lose these, then let your teacher know as soon as possible.

Have a great holiday and see you in November!

Ms Tupman

Science - Lamps

 Year 5 have been learning about electricity in science, and yesterday they used all of their learning to work in partnership to create a working lamp! Don't they look incredible? Can you identify all the components we used to make our lamps?


Our topic in music is 'Air'. We've been really enjoying using glockenspiels to create our own compositions to represent flying creatures. We listened to Flight of the Bumblebee and discussed how the pitch of the music changes. Then, we experimented with the different sounds we could make on the glockenspiels, before creating short pieces of music. Children made graphic scores of their music which they then added additional notes on tempo to after listening to Troika and discussing how the tempo of this piece changes. 

We're excited to perform our compositions after half-term!

Show Racism the Red Card

 On Friday 16th October, we all marked Wear Red Day by coming to school dressed in our favourite red clothes. Everyone who wore red donated money which will go towards funding anti-racism education. Well done, Year 5! You can learn more about Wear Red Day here!

Topic Timeline

We've been learning to put things in chronological order (time order). Year 5 worked in partnership to arrange members of the class into a human timeline!

The first record we have of Vikings arriving in Britain is in 787 CE, although they probably had visited before that date. The first date on the timeline we looked at in class was 793 CE, when the Vikings attacked Lindisfarne Monastery in Northumbria. There were lots of other interesting events on our timeline, including several arguments over who should rule over different areas of Britain!

We also practised reading dates, and learned that when a date has four digits, such as 1066 CE, we split the date into pairs, and say, "ten sixty-six," rather than, "one thousand and sixty-six." Why do you think we do that?

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Viking Shields

 We've been working really hard during our Art and DT sessions to make our own shields! First, we explored the properties of different materials and discussed what we should construct our shields from. Next, we learned about how the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings created their shields. Then we thought carefully about the colours and designs we wanted to use on our shields. Finally, we created our shields. You can see the final stages of decoration here. Don't they look great! 

Nitavl (Nine Men's Morris)

As part of our topic work on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, we've been learning about some of the things the Vikings did in their leisure time. The Vikings loved to play all sorts of games indoors and outside; they called board games 'tavl' games (meaning 'table'). One very popular game was called Nitavl, although you might know it by the name Nine Men's Morris!

Year 5 had a lot of fun figuring out the rules of the game by watching this video, learning how to play, and then writing instructions for other children to use to play the game. We really learnt how to think and play strategically! 

Play Nitavl online or read more about Nitavl here.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Welcome to Year 5!

 Good morning, Year 5!

Ms Tupman, Mrs Holian and Miss Pimenta are all looking forward to seeing you in class later today! We can't wait to hear all about what you've been doing since we last saw you. 

See you soon!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Literacy Home Learning - w/c 13th July 2020

This week there will be 5 literacy lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Creative Writing Challenge -  This is optional and you can send me your writing to the Year 5 email address.

Mild Challenge - Genre Focus: Persuasive Writing

Lesson 1 - Reading Comprehension - Fact Retrieval

Lesson 2 - Reading Comprehension - Summary

Lesson 3 - Identifying the features of a text

Lesson 4 - SPaG focus - Imperative and Modal verbs

Lesson 5 - Write a persuasive rap

Spicy Challenge - Genre Focus: Newspaper Reports

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Why Face Coverings Are Being Worn

Click on this link for access to a powerpoint all about this:

Grown Your Own Carton Garden

Click on this link for full instructions:

Topic Home Learning - w/c 13th July 2020

Energy and sustainability

Lesson 1 - What is sustainability?

Lesson 2 - How do we produce energy? Part 1

Lesson 3 - How do we produce energy? Part 2

Maths Home Learning - w/c 13th July 2020

Hello everyone,

This week there will be 5 maths lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

Mild Challenges -

Lesson 1 - Compare capacity

Lesson 2 - Add and subtract capacity

Lesson 3 - Pictograms

Lesson 4 - Bar charts

Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge

Lesson 1 - Metric units

Lesson 2 - Imperial units

Lesson 3 - Converting units of time

Lesson 4 - Timetables

Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge

Computing: Vector drawing

Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...