Monday, June 22, 2020

Literacy Home Learning - w/c 22nd June 2020

This week there will be 5 literacy lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Creative Writing Challenge -  This is optional and you can send me your writing to the Year 5 email address.

Mild Challenges - Genre focus: Newspaper report

Lesson 1 - Reading Comprehension

Lesson 3 - Read the example and identify the key features

Lesson 5 - To use key features in order to write own composition

Spicy Challenges - Genre Focus: Story Ending

Lesson 1 - Story: Reading Comprehension - To make comparisons within and across books

Lesson 3 - Story: Identifying the features of a text

Lesson 4 - Story: SPaG focus - Speech

Lesson 5 - Story: write an alternative ending to a story

Creative Writing Challenge

La Luna - Trailer from Pixar -

Watch clip 1 and 2 from La Luna

La Luna is the timeless fable of a young boy who is coming of age in the most peculiar of circumstances. Tonight is the very first time his Papa and Grandpa are taking him to work. In an old wooden boat they row far out to sea, and with no land in sight, they stop and wait. A big surprise awaits the little boy as he discovers his family's most unusual line of work.

Activity 1:
Brainstorm who the characters are, what their relationships are and what they are doing.

Activity 2:
Write a diary entries for the day before the fishing trip and one after the trip describing the 'star fishing.'


Write instructions for how to catch a star or poems about the night sky and shooting stars.


  1. I was the first to see this or did anyone else see this.

  2. i did i came before

  3. Lol I was here when the work came out

  4. i am guessing that is mukhtar

  5. You know you guys don’t need to type “FINISHED!!’ Every time you’re done. We all have better things to do then read your pointless comments-


Computing: Vector drawing

Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...