Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recognise that images in vector drawings are created using shapes and lines, and each individual element in the drawing is called an object. We have learnt to layer objects and begin grouping and duplicating them to support the creation of more complex pieces of work. Here are some samples of our learning.
Monday, June 27, 2022
Writing instructions
To launch the start of our writing unit on instructions on How to catch a dragon we had a go at following a set of instruction to make a paper dragon with varying degrees of success. However we all learnt the importance of instructions being clear and following them carefully.Take a look.
Here's the link to the youtube video if you want to have a go
National Writing Day
As part of the whole school participation in National Writing Day we year completed a number of writing tasks throughout the day here is a sample of some of our achievements:
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Empathy Day 9th June
As part of empathy day we chose books which had characters we empathised with. These are the books we picked we also took a power pose.
Jubilee artwork
For the Platinum Jubilee celebrations we painted images associated with the Queen in the style of Andy Warhol
Wednesday, May 11, 2022
Space and the distances between the planets
In science, we are learning about the solar system. this week we were looking at the order of the planets and their relative distances from the sun. we started to use toilet paper to mark the scale but then the wind started blowing it away and so we just reverted to taking steps.
This week, many of the children in our class celebrated Eid which marked the end of Ramadan. As a result the school came together to celebrate this festival by wearing our celebrations clothes and sharing food on Friday.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Red Nose Day March 18th
For Red Nose Day our class took part by wearing red. We made donations and we designed red noses for a competition.
Computing: Vector drawing
Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...