Monday, July 13, 2020

Literacy Home Learning - w/c 13th July 2020

This week there will be 5 literacy lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Creative Writing Challenge -  This is optional and you can send me your writing to the Year 5 email address.

Mild Challenge - Genre Focus: Persuasive Writing

Lesson 1 - Reading Comprehension - Fact Retrieval

Lesson 2 - Reading Comprehension - Summary

Lesson 3 - Identifying the features of a text

Lesson 4 - SPaG focus - Imperative and Modal verbs

Lesson 5 - Write a persuasive rap

Spicy Challenge - Genre Focus: Newspaper Reports

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Why Face Coverings Are Being Worn

Click on this link for access to a powerpoint all about this:

Grown Your Own Carton Garden

Click on this link for full instructions:

Topic Home Learning - w/c 13th July 2020

Energy and sustainability

Lesson 1 - What is sustainability?

Lesson 2 - How do we produce energy? Part 1

Lesson 3 - How do we produce energy? Part 2

Maths Home Learning - w/c 13th July 2020

Hello everyone,

This week there will be 5 maths lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

Mild Challenges -

Lesson 1 - Compare capacity

Lesson 2 - Add and subtract capacity

Lesson 3 - Pictograms

Lesson 4 - Bar charts

Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge

Lesson 1 - Metric units

Lesson 2 - Imperial units

Lesson 3 - Converting units of time

Lesson 4 - Timetables

Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Literacy Home Learning - w/c 6th July 2020

This week there will be 5 literacy lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

I will set some mild and spicy challenges each week. You need to click the link for each lesson which will take you to the Oak National Academy site. There you will be taken through the steps for each lesson.

Creative Writing Challenge -  This is optional and you can send me your writing to the Year 5 email address.

Mild Challenge - Genre Focus: Story 

Lesson 1 - Reading Comprehension: To make inferences and predictions

Lesson 2 - Reading Comprehension: To find word meanings

Lesson 3 - To identify the features of a story

Lesson 4 - Key feature: SPaG focus

Lesson 5 - To use key features in order to write own composition

Spicy Challenge - Genre Focus: Balanced Argument

Lesson 1 - Reading comprehension 1

Lesson 2 - Reading comprehension 2

Lesson 3 - Read the example and identify key features

Lesson 4 - SPaG focus

Lesson 5 - To use key features in order to write own composition

Creative Writing Challenge:

Monday, July 6, 2020

Science Home Learning - w/c 6th July 2020

Focus: Electricity

Lesson 1 - What is static electricity?

Lesson 2 - What are the different components in an electrical circuit?

Lesson 3 - What are circuit diagrams?

Lesson 4 - What are insulators and conductors?

Lesson 5 - What happens in a circuit when we change the components?

French Home Learning - w/c 6th July 2020

🇫🇷 🐘 🦒 🦁 🇫🇷 French at Home with Madame Cartlidge 🇫🇷 🐘 🦒 🦁 🇫🇷 

Bonjour les enfants !

This week I have two activities for you about animals. For both of them, you will need some new words for describing what an animal looks like:

des écailles = scales (like a fish 🐟)
des plumes = feathers (like a bird 🦅)
de la peau = skin (like a pig 🐖)
de la fourrure = fur (like a rabbit 🐇)
un bec = beak (like a bird 🐦)
un cou = neck (like a giraffe 🦒)
des oreilles = ears (like an elephant 🐘)
des nageoires = flippers (like a dolphin 🐬)
des pattes = paws (like a dog 🐕)

Make up an Animal

Can you draw an imaginary animal and label it in French? 

Perhaps it has a very long neck, huge ears and flippers and is covered in fur? Or perhaps it can fly and swim and is bright blue! If you know your colours, you can add those too. 

If you can take a photo of your drawing and send it into school, let me know and I will try to get it printed for the school gate.

Escape Room

You will all remember the maths escape rooms you did last year, when you had to find a code to open a box. Well, I hope this link works for you because it is an online escape room, where you have to find the animals and play some games to get a code to unlock the zoo! Don’t let the lions out though!

Amusez-vous bien !

Maths Home Learning - w/c 6th July 2020

Hello everyone,

This week there will be 5 maths lessons to complete. You should be completing 1 lesson per day.

Mild Challenges -

Lesson 1 - Measure mass

Lesson 2 - Compare mass

Lesson 3 - Add and subtract mass

Lesson 4 - Measure capacity

Lesson 5 - Friday Maths Challenge

Spicy Challenges -

Lesson 1 - Regular and irregular polygons

Lesson 2 - Reasoning about 3D shapes

Lesson 3 - Reflections

Lesson 4 - Translation

Lesson 5 - Friday Math's Challenge

Reading Fluency - w/c 6th July 2020

Hi Y5/6 Here is this week's reading fluency lesson  


Miss Davies

Computing: Vector drawing

Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...