Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Parents/Carers and Children - Home Learning Update

Hello everyone,

It has been lovely speaking with you all on the phone and checking in to see how your learning is going. We have not been at school for a while and I am missing you all very much!

As we are going to be at home for a while longer, the teachers at Cabot are going to change the home learning on the blog slightly. Every week you should be completing at least:

Year 5 Weekly Learning:
  • Daily maths lesson (5 lessons over the week)
  • Daily literacy lesson (5 lessons over the week)
  • Daily spelling and grammar lesson (5 lessons over the week)
  • Weekly lessons in the other subjects

You should be logging into the blog as often as possible and completing some learning everyday. If you have difficulty getting onto a computer or phone everyday to check then write down or print some of the activities so you can work through a bit each day.

Miss Matthews

Literacy - Home Learning - Monday 27th April 2020

Where the Wild Things Are

In 1963, Maurice Sendak wrote the picture book Where the Wild Things Are. Do you know it? 

In the story, Max, on the night he wore his wolf suit, went on a magical journey to the land of the Wild Things and became the king of these strange creatures. Eventually, he missed home and made the journey back to his bedroom, where it all began. 

It’s a wonderful story – you can listen to it here and see the wonderful illustrations. Follow this link to watch the video:

In the story, there are many strange creatures that have never been seen before. As an explorer, I discover strange creatures all the time on my travels around the world. I have become expert at looking very carefully for animals as some are very good at hiding.

I have written a paper about it, using my research, to help you find out more about this wonderful animal. Read on and discover the world of the Rhiswanozebtah! 

You can listen to an audio version of the text here 

Monday, April 27, 2020

French - Home Learning - Monday 27th April 2020

🇫🇷 French at home with Madame Cartlidge 🇫🇷

Bonjour les enfants !

For French this week, I think you will really enjoy this little video:

The mum in the video will show you how to make a fruit kebab with her son. They do everything in both French and English, so you will find out lots of words for fruit in French. And you can even make the recipe with them! If you want to eat it at the end of the day, you can put it in the fridge to keep fresh.

Bon appetit!

RE - Home Learning - Monday 27th April 2020

Hello year 5!

Please watch this short video.

Please watch the video again and think about these questions.

What is fasting?

Who fasts?

When do Muslims fast?

Why do Muslims fast?

Please write down your answers to these questions. You can use your exercise book with lines or any piece of paper.


How do you think Muslims feel when they fast?

If you know someone who is fasting; ask them how they feel when they are fasting.

Hope you are well,

Miss Ali

Science - Home Learning - Monday 27th April 2020

This term, the focus of our Science lessons is Space.

To begin, we will take a look at The Solar System. In this lesson you will learn about the movement of the Earth, and other planets in relation to the Sun in the solar system.

Click on this link:

This lesson includes:
  • three videos to help you understand the solar system
  • three activities to help with learning

Activity 1
This is on the website link above.

Activity 2
This is on the website link above.

Activity 3
Complete this solar system vocabulary worksheet from Twinkl below:

Music - Home Learning - Monday 27th April 2020

Singing with feeling

Learn techniques to develop singing skills.

This lesson includes:
  • a video about melody and pitch
  • a video to help you understand how to sing with expression
  • three practice activities

Click on the link and watch the videos. Then complete the different activities. 

Reading - Home Learning - Dual Language Books

Hello Year 5,

Mantralingua, who make fabulous dual language books have free access to their ebook library.  

They have books in 37 languages, including many of those spoken at Cabot.  

Here is a link to the website. 

You need to fill in some details to access the books:

Once you have completed this you can access their library.

Reading Fluency Video - Miss Davies

Hi Y5/6,

I have made a reading fluency lesson for you on Youtube.  Here is the link

Thanks Miss Davies

Maths - Home Learning - Monday 27th April 2020

This week, we are focusing on Fractions. Read about each lesson below. Each one has a link to a video on YouTube. Within each video, there are questions for you to answer or tasks for you to do. These can be completed in the exercise book that you were sent home with in your pack.

Lesson 1 Develop understanding of equivalent fractions through quantity, area and number line models

This lesson starts by reminding you how to identify a fraction of an amount.

Remember the stem sentence: ‘The whole is divided into ___ equal parts and we have ___ of them.’

Then it looks at when two fractions are equal and how these can be represented using the area model and then as a position on a number line. 

At the end of this lesson, you will be asked to show a fraction using the three models of quantity, area and number line. 

Lesson 2 Develop understanding of equivalent fractions through measuring and pouring context

This lesson shows you another way to visualise (that means draw a picture in your head) fractions using measuring and pouring. 

You are asked to get some water and a straight-sided cup or jar to support you.

Think about how you can connect this idea with a number line. 

Do you remember the name: equivalent fraction

‘Sometimes two fractions have the same value. We call these equivalent fractions.’ 

Lesson 3 Use the relationship between the numerator and denominator to identify equivalent fractions

In this lesson, you will look at the relationship between the numerator and denominator in equivalent fractions. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Summer Term Update

Hello everyone,

I hope that you are doing well. I will be calling all of you this week to see how you are getting on at home. I am missing all of you and can't wait to get back to school; however, at the moment that just isn't possible. Thank you for looking at the blog and trying the different learning activities. It will really help you to stay on track with your learning whilst you are away from school. If you have any suggestions for activities that you would like me to post, mention them when I call or in the comments section of the blog.

To help you to keep busy, here is an example of what each day should look like:

Here are some of the learning activities you should be completing every day:

- Reading (at least 20 minutes)
- Times Table Rockstars (at least 20 minutes)
- Exercise (this could be a walk, workout video or sports in your garden if you have one)
- Lessons (at least 1 learning activity from the blog each day)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Geography - Home Learning - Monday 20th April 2020

Introduction to settlements

Learn about the different types of settlements including a hamlet, a village, a town and a city.

This lesson includes:
  • two videos which describe the different types of settlements and how cities are different across the world
  • two activities that use your knowledge of settlement types

Let's explore the Lake District

Can you answer these questions:
  1. Where is the Lake District?
  2. What is it like in the Lake District?
  3. What is the name of the highest mountain in the Lake District?
  4. Which of these lakes is found in the Lake District?

Literacy - Home Learning - Monday 20th April 2020

There are 3 levels of challenge this week: Mild, Spicy and Hot. 

Mild Lessons:

Lesson 1: Identifying nouns

To identify and use common and proper nouns.

Click on the link below and follow the lesson.

Lesson 2: Identifying pronouns

To understand what pronouns are and how to identify and use them.

Click on the link below and follow the lesson.

Spicy Lessons:

Lesson 1: Identifying when to use pronouns

Learn to identify the different types of pronouns and when to use them instead of a noun.

Click on the link below and follow the lesson.

Lesson 2: Writing expanded noun phrases

To understand what an expanded noun phrase is and be able to write your own.

Click on the link below and follow the lesson.

Hot Lessons:

Lesson 1: Understanding similes and metaphors

To understand similes and metaphors.

Click on the link below and follow the lesson.

Lesson 2: Understanding and using alliteration

To understand and use alliteration.

Click on the link below and follow the lesson.

Reading - Home Learning - Monday 20th April 2020

Oxford Owl - Free eBooks

They are making eBooks available at the link below, for the duration of UK school closures, so that your child has more to read. All the eBooks are tablet-friendly. Just register to start reading.

I would like you to read at least 2 books per week.

The Choice
What would you do if you found a ring that didn’t belong to you? 

Click on the link below to read the story and answer the questions

Book Review

Write a book review for one of the books that you have read. Below is an idea of how it could look and what you could include:

Maths - Home Learning - Monday 20th April 2020

Place Value and Decimals

This week, there will be mild, spicy and hot learning for you to choose from.

Mild Challenge - Comparing Numbers

Watch this video to understand a little more about place value and how to compare numbers using the symbols < > =

Answer the questions below in your exercise book.

Spicy Challenge - Tenths as Decimals

Watch this video to understand a little more about decimal numbers:

Answer the questions below in your exercise book.

Hot Challenge - White Rose Maths - Summer Term - Week 1

This is a series of five maths lessons for this week. Every lesson comes with a short video showing you clearly and simply how to complete the activity successfully.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Science - Home Learning - Easter Holidays

How clean are your hands? I want you to carry out an experiment...

After spending some time at the playground, football field, or in the garden, it can be easy to see the dirt on our hands.

What you can’t see are the invisible-to-your-eye germs that gather on your hands throughout the day. To help you see the effect those germs have, give this this eye-opening experiment a try.


What you’ll need:

Three slices of bread
Three resealable bags
  1. Label each of the three bags:
  • Control
  • Dirty
  • Clean
2. Place one slice of bread in the “control” bag without touching it. You can use clean tongs, or turn the resealable bag inside out and use it like a glove to get the slice inside. Seal the bag.

3. Remove a second slice of bread and touch the bread with unwashed hands. Place the bread in the bag and seal it.

4. Wash your hands with soap and water.

5. Take a third slice of bread and touch the bread with freshly-washed hands. Place the bread in the bag and seal it.

6. Take all three sealed bags and put them in a cool, dry place.

Look at the bread daily and write down your observations, but do not take the bread out of the bags. In a few days, mold should start to appear. 
What slice of bread gets moldy first? 
Which grows the most mold? 
Which grows the least? 

If mold starts to appear, take a ruler and measure it and record your observations. You can even draw a picture of the bread each day, or keep a photo diary by taking pictures of the bread each day to watch the changes over time.

Literacy - Home Learning - Easter Holidays

Premier League Writing Stars poetry challenge

The National Literacy Trust is running a poetry competition and I want you to enter! Go on, give it a go!

This is what they have to say:

We want you to join in the challenge and write a poem all about ambition. The challenge is open to everyone! Use our films, model poems and top tips to get started. There are useful resources below that will support and inspire you to create your own poems!

Send in your poems to or share on Twitter @PLCommunities with the hashtag #PLPrimaryStars.

You will need to create a free account to access all of the resources for the competition. 

Use the activities here to think about what the word ambition means to you and learn about what makes a great poem. This is a great way to help get you started with writing your own poem!

French - Home Learning - Easter Holidays

Guided Reading - Home Learning - Easter Holidays

This weeks learning is a comprehension activity. There are 6 different levels of challenge, so choose the one that challenges you! Read the text and then answer the questions in your exercise book.

Red Challenge

Blue Challenge

Orange Challenge

Green Challenge

Purple Challenge

Pink Challenge

Computing: Vector drawing

Year 5 have started to create vector drawings. They have learnt how to use different drawing tools to help them create images. We now recogn...